Ali Cloud

Version: Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud offers cloud services. Services are available on a pay-as-you-go basis and include data storage, relational databases, big-data processing, Anti-DDoS protection, and Content Delivery Networks (CDN).

Netsurion Open XDR monitors events from Ali Cloud. The knowledge objects and flex reports in Netsurion Open XDR will help you analyze action trails and OSS events in detail.

Once events are received, you can configure the reports and knowledge objects into Netsurion Open XDR and monitor all the Ali Cloud events; some of them are given below.

  • Security – Login events and OSS access events
  • Compliance – Channel and Workspace created, deleted and modified.
  • Operation – Database activities, API calls and OSS operation events.

The following are the key Data Source Integration available in Netsurion Open XDR.


SecurityAli Cloud – Sign in eventsThis report provides information about the sign-in activities happening on Ali-Cloud console. It also provides, users as well as client IP address details for those who are trying to login.
SecurityAli Cloud – OSS Access eventsThis report gives information about the users who are trying to access object stored in Ali Cloud. With this help we can get unauthorized user access activities.
OperationsAli Cloud – Operation EventsThis report gives information about the operations (like service enable/disabled, changes in Configuration of Ali Cloud, etc) happened on Ali Cloud.
ComplianceAli Cloud –API calls detailshis report provides the details of API calls (get, put, post, etc) getting from client. With the help of this report we can get unauthorized application access on Ali Cloud.
ComplianceAli Cloud – Database eventsThis report gives information about the Ali Cloud database access activities (table creation, deletion or modification activities).


The configuration details are consistent with Netsurion Open XDR 8.x and later, and Ali Cloud.

Download Integration Guide for configuration instructions and more information.