What are the custom events generated by EventTracker?

The following Events are generated for Event source = EventTracker

Event IDEvent Description
2001The EventTracker Manager service was started.
2002EventTracker Agent on %1 is running and okay.
2003Accepted EventTracker Viewer connection from %1.
2004The EventTracker Viewer from %1 was disconnected.
2005The EventTracker Manager Console was started.
2006EventTracker Agent on %1 was not running. Restarted successfully.
2007EventTracker Agent on %1 is not running. Failed to restart.
2008Detected system %1 is not reachable. No reply received on ping poll.
2009Detected system %1 is reachable. Reply received on ping poll.
2010Number of events in the database exceeded %1. Please purge the database or you may see slow performance of EventTracker software.
2011System %1 may be generating high number of events. Please filter unnecessary events emitted from this system.
2012Scheduled Report: %1 was generated and emailed successfully.
2013Scheduled Report: %1 was not generated. Please cross-check configuration.
2014Archival of old events done successfully. Status %1.
2015Archival of old events failed. Status %1.
2016Archive CAB integrity check failed.
CAB Name:%1
MDB Name:%2
2017Archive CAB integrity check successful. CAB Name: %1 MDB Name: %2
2018Archive CAB extraction failed. Unable to proceed with verification.
CAB Name:%1
MDB Name:%2
2019Archive CAB extraction success. CAB Name: %1 MDB Name: %2
2020Archive CAB integrity check process started.
2021Archive CAB integrity check process completed.
Total CABs Processed:%1
CABs Passed:%2
CABs Failed:%3
2022Knowledge base file for suspicious network activity downloaded succesfully.
2023Failed to download knowledge base file file for suspicious network activity, due to %1.
2024System running out of disk space to process Scheduled Reports.
2025Collection Point Success: Issdbv3 successfully sent to Collection Master at: suppserver.
2026Collection Point Error: Unable to Connect to Collection Master at: %1. Error code : 10061
OR Collection Point Error: Network Connection lost with Collection Master Ip Address %1. Error code : 0
2027Collection Master Success: Alerts Cache DB successfully received from %1
OR Collection Point Error: Network Connection lost with Collection Master Ip Address %1. Error code : 0
2028Collection Master Error: Unable to connect CollectionPointInfo.mdb Datbase. OR
Collection Master Error: Socket API : send failed. Error code : 10054. OR
Collection Master Error: SQL Statement %1 Error code : 0
2029Notification: Report file deletion. Following file ‘report file’ created on ‘date’ will be deleted on ‘date’ so, please take back up of the file if required. ‘Full path of report file’
2030Could not find Event Tracker Receiver configuration file Retrieved from the previous version.
2031Could not find EventTracker Receiver configuration file and any of its previous versions Using default configurations
2032EventTracker configurations modified on for the sections.
2033Type: Backup/Restore
Status: Success/Failed/Interrupted
Log: Xml Format (with each backup/restore element status).
2036Scheduled Report: %1.
Error Code:%2
The table could not be found.
EventTracker will automatically retry to generate this report.
2037Detected out of ordinary activity:
Event ID: %1
Number of activities in 24 hours: %2
Normal average: %3
Variation in%: %4
2038Detected out of ordinary activity:
Event ID: %1
Number of activities in 24 hours: %2
Normal average: %3
Variation in%: %4
2039Successfully purged the old data.
Purge Frequency in days: %1
Purged the data till: %2
2040New activity found:
Event ID: %1
System: %2
2041This Event is logged when report breaking starts due to large data.
Description :
Queue Id: %1
Reort Title: Logs-Detail
Original Queue Type: Queued/Schedule
Original Start Time: %2
Original End Time: %3
Truncate End Time: %4
2042Agent Configuration update attempted on %1
User: Domain/Username
Status: Failed/Success
Reason: Descriptive msg for failure with error codes etc (applicable only for failures)
2043No events received from %1 in last 24 hours
2044SNMP Get failed for the server %1
2044SNMP Get Succeeded for the server <IP Address>
2045Vulnerability parser source: QualysParser.exe
Found host name=%1,IPAddress=%2, FQDN=%4, NetBIOS Name=, DNS name=, Vulnerability value=%5 and StartTime=%6
2046Agent DLA file receive attempt
Agent: %1
File: %2
Status: %3
2047Configuration Assessment (SCAP) attempt
Agent: %1 (In case of failure in forming the input file, all machine names will come here)
BenchmarkTitle: %2
Status: Success/Failed
Reason: Descriptive message for failure with error codes etc
2048Direct log archiver (success/failed) purged the following log files:
Folder Name: %1
Files: <list of files >
Configured days: %3
2049Failed to import the SCAP content from .
User: %1
ERROR – description of error
2050EventTracker patch applied
2050EventTracker patch applied
2051Failed to commit CAB file on EventVault.
File Name: %1
Storage Path: %2
Error Code: %3
Description: %4
2052Generated by receiver when alert suppression occurs
2053scheduled Discovery Invoked.
2054Scheduled Discovery Completed.
2055Used for correlator script.
2056Generated with EventTracker backup status
2057Generated with EventTracker restore status
2060Script file execution failed.
2059Usage data submission requested.
2061Scheduled report generated successfully
2062Behavior lagging
2063Agent Heath check
2064License about to expire.
2065EventTracker detected 212 non reporting systems with High asset value.
1) POPEYE (2015-12-09 16:40:29)
2) CASPER (2015-12-09 16:40:29)
2066Collection Point Success:
Successfully uploaded reports package to Collection Master.
Collection Master: <Collection Master>
Package Name: <Package Name>
Reason: Success
Report Details:
Title: <Title>
Type: Detail
File Name: <File Name>
Generated On: 2016-04-20 20:31:06
Size (KB): 38189
Status: Success
2066Failed to upload reports package to Collection Master.
Collection Master: <Collection Master IP Address>
Package Name: <Package Name>
Reason: Unable to create report files packet.
Report Details:
Title: <Title>
Type: Detail
File Name: <File Name>
Generated On: 2016-04-20 20:31:06
Size (KB): 48
Status: Failed
2067Collection Master Success:
Successfully received reports package from Collection Point.
Collection Point: <Collection Point>
Package Name: lt;Package Name>
Reason: Success
Report files in package:
All error events _CP-CM^679^1461054600.pdf
Logs – Summary_CP_CM^688^1461054600.pdf
Logs – Detail_xlxs^697^1461054600.xlsx
Security Logon failure events^665^1461054600.pdf
Disk Space Status^667^1461058200.pdf
2067Failed to receive reports package from Collection Point.
Collection Point: <Collection Point>
Package Name: lt;Package Name>
Reason: Unable to create database
2068Unknown MD5 hash detected based on change audit event
2069Unsafe MD5 hash detected based on change audit event.
2070An unexecuted unsafe MD5 hash has been detected.
Hash: <Hash>
System: <System>
Time: 2017-01-11 14:54:37
User: lt;User>
Image File Name: lt;Image File Name>
Source Event:
Id: 3400
Source: EventTracker
Description: File Added: <File Path>
Curr Snapshot Time: 3/15/2017 10:04:31 AM
Curr Size: 3253392 (Bytes)
Curr Creation Time: 3/14/2017 8:04:00 PM
Curr File Version: <Curr File Version>
Curr Checksum (SHA1): <Curr Checksum (SHA1)>
Curr Checksum (MD5): <Curr Checksum (MD5)>
Curr Description: <Curr Description>
Curr Product Name: <Curr Product Name>
Curr Product Version: <Curr Product Version>
Curr Signer: <Curr Signer>
Curr Counter Signer: <Curr Counter Signer>
Curr Signed On: 1/24/2017 3:20:03 AM
Prev Snapshot Time: 3/14/2017 5:54:51 PM
Change Type: Unauthorized
2071An UnExecuted unknown MD5 hash has been detected.
Hash: <Hash>
System: <System>
Time: 2017-03-14 17:02:31
User: <User>
Image File Name: <Image File Name>
File Name: <File Name>
File Version: <File Version>
File Description: <File Description>
File Size: <File Size>
Last Modified Time: 2017-03-14T11:32:30Z
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Version: <Product Version>
Signer: <Signer>
Counter Signer: <Counter Signer>
Counter Signed On: 9/2/2016 3:16:20 PM
2074A new process is found by EventTracker EDR.
New activity found: Hash: <Hash> Rule Name: EventTracker_EDR_Found_New_Hash System: <System> Time: 2019-02-08 02:46:40 Source Event: Id: 3517 Source: EventTracker Description: Image loaded by a process. Process Name: <Process Name>
Process Image File Name: <Process Image File Name>
Account Name: <Account Name>
Account Domain: <Account Domain>
Process ID: <rocess ID>
System Name: <System Name>
Image Name: <Image Name>
Image File Name: <Image File Name>
File Version: <File Version>
File Description: <File Description>
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Version: <Product Version>
File Size: <File Size>
Last Modified Time: 2018-03-22T13:01:02Z
Signed: Yes
Signer: <Signer>
Signed On: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Counter Signed: No
Counter Signer:
Hash (MD5): <Hash>
Status: SAFE
Status Reference: VirusTotal
Virustotal Link: Not Available
2075A new process is found by EventTracker EDR.
New activity found: Hash: <Hash> Rule Name: EventTracker_EDR_Found_New_Hash System: <System> Time: 2019-02-08 02:46:40 Source Event: Id: 3517 Source: EventTracker Description: Image loaded by a process. Process Name: <Process Name>
Process Image File Name: <Process Image File Name>
Account Name: <Account Name>
Account Domain: <Account Domain>
Process ID: <Process ID>
System Name: <System Name>
Image Name: <Image Name>
Image File Name: <Image File Name>
File Version: <File Version>
File Description: <File Description>
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Version: <Product Version>
File Size: <File Size>
Last Modified Time: 2018-03-22T13:01:02Z
Signed: Yes
Signer: <Signer>
Signed On: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Counter Signed: No
Counter Signer:
Hash (MD5): <Hash>
Status: UNKNOWN Status Reference: VirusTotal
Virustotal Link: Not Available
2076A new process, which is not available in safe list, has been terminated by EventTracker.
Hash (MD5): <Hash>
Process Name: <Process Name>
Image File Name: <Image File Name>
Account Name: <Account Name>
Account Domain: <Account Domain>
Process ID: <rocess ID>
Creator Process ID: <Creator Process ID>
Creator Process Name: <Creator Process Name>
Creator Image File Name: <Creator Image File Name>
System Name: <System Name>
FFile Version: <File Version>
File Description: Run-Time ID: 48
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Version: <Product Version>
Signed: No
Signer: N/A
Signed On: N/A
Counter Signed: No
Counter Signer: N/A
Counter Signed On: N/A
Session ID: 5
Process Command Line: <Process Command Line>
Status Reference: VirusTotal/NSRL/NA
Virustotal Link:
2077No alert received from system systemname in last 7 Days.
System Details:
System Name: <System Name>
IP Address: <IP Address>
Asset Value: Low
System Type: <System Type>
Syslog Relay: <Syslog Relay>
Agent Type:<Agent Type>
Port: <Port>
Group(s): Default, <Group>
Last event received time: 2019-04-05 13:31:45
2078No alert received from group domainname in last 7 Days.
{ Hash status check against VirusTotal failed.
Hash: <Hash>
File Name: <File Name>
Error: You don’t have access to the service. Make sure your API key is working correctly
2100A category group was created in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Parent: <Value>
2101A category group was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :<browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Old value Name : <Value> New value Name : <Value>
2102A category group was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2103A category group was moved in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value> Old value Parent: <Value> New value Parent : <Value>
2104A category was created in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Parent: <Value>
Description: <Value> Event Details:
Rule <1>
<event information here. >
2105A category was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Parent: <Value> Old value Description: <Value> Event Details:
Rule <1>
<event information here.> New value Description: <Value> Event Details:
Rule <1>
<event information here. >
2106A category was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information
Account Name : <read from session>
Account Domain: <Current Domain> Network Information
Client Address: <IP Address>
Client Browser :< browser from which app is run> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2111A behavior rule was added in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Rule Name: <Rule Name>
Show For:<Value>
Breakup Column Name: <Value>
Breakup Display Name: <Value>
Breakup Seperator: <Value>
Breakup Terminator: <Value> Process Rule <Rule Number>
Process Column Name: <Value>
Process Display Name:<Value>
Seperator: <Value>
Terminator: <Value> Event Rule <Rule Number>
Log Type: <Value>
Event Type: <Value>
Category: <Value>
Event ID:<Value>
Source: <Value>
User: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Description Exception:<Value>
2112A BehaviorRule was InActivated in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Old value
Rule Name: <Value>
Active: <Value> New value
Rule Name: <Value>
Active: <Value>
2113Modified the behavior settings configuration information in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Old value
User Event Threshold : <Value>
Purge user data older than : <Value>
Behaviour Event Threshold : <Value>
Behaviour Correlation Threshold : <Value>
Behaviour Learning Period Value : <Value>
Top activities displayed : <Value>
Enterprise activity interval : <Value>
DNS Url : <Value>
ProcessLib : <Value>
Monitor enterprise activity : Yes/No
Select Purge user data older than : <Value>
User Behaviour Correlation Monitoring : Yes/No
Behaviour Learning Period : <Value>
Select DNS : <Value>
Select Process : <Value> New value
User Event Threshold : <Value>
Purge user data older than : <Value>
Behaviour Event Threshold : <Value>
Behaviour Correlation Threshold : <Value>
Behaviour Learning Period Value : <Value>
Top activities displayed : <Value>
Enterprise activity interval : <Value>
DNS Url : <Value>
ProcessLib : <Value>
Monitor enterprise activity : Yes/No
Select Purge user data older than : <Value>
User Behaviour Correlation Monitoring : Yes/No
Behaviour Learning Period : <Value>
Select DNS : <Value>
Select Process : <Value>
2114IP lookup reputation website added.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Display Name:<Value>
2115IP lookup reputation website updated.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Display Name:<Value>
2116IP lookup reputation website deleted.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Display Name:<Value>
2117IP lookup reputation website Deactivated.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Display Name: <Value>
Url: <Value>
2118A behavior rule was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Rule Name: <Value>
2119Existing baseline of behavior learning reset   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Behaviour baseline: Reset
2121Weightage was added for a <category/Event Type/Log Type/Keyword/Event ID/Event Source/User> in EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value>Configuration Information
Name : <Value>
Weightage: <Value>
2122Weightage was modified for a <category/Event Type/Log Type/Keyword/Event ID/Event Source/User> in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Old Value
Name : <Value>
Weightage: <Value> New Value
Name : <Value>
2123Weightage was deleted for a <Keyword/Event ID/Event Source/User> in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Weightage: <Value>
2131Modified the EventVault configuration information in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Old value
ArchiveFrequency: <Value>
ArchivePath: <Value>
ArchivePurgeFrequency: <Value> New value
ArchiveFrequency: <Value>
ArchivePath: <Value>
ArchivePurgeFrequency: <Value>
2136A eventvault explorer configuration was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Old configuration:
SQL Server Enterprise: <Value>
Max history count: <Value>
New configuration:
SQL Server Enterprise: <Value>
Max history count: <Value>
2137Persisted data was purged from EventTracker.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Report name: <Value>
Purge From Datetime: <Value>
Purge To Datetime: <Value>
2141A Collection Master was added in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: New value
Destination Name:<Value>
Active: <Value>
QueueCabs: <Value>
Encrypt Data: <Value>
2142A Collection Master was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Old value:
Destination Name: <Value>
PortNo: <Value>
Active: <Value>
Encrypt Data: <Value> New value
Destination Name:<Value>
Active: <Value>
QueueCabs: <Value>
Encrypt Data: <Value>
2143A Collection Master was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Collection Master:<Value>
2147Collection Point deleted successfully.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Collection Point Name: <Value>
Collection Point Display Name: <Value>
2148A Collection Master CAB was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Cab Name:<Value>
2149A collection point configured for elasticsearch
Site name: <Site name>
Status: Connected/Not-connected
Added by: <Account Name>
2150A collection point removed from elasticsearch
Site name: <Site name>
Removed by: <Account Name>
2151A Behavior filter list was added in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: New value
Behavior Type:<Value>
Behavior Filter:<Value>
2152A Behavior filter list was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Old value
Behavior Type:<Value>
Behavior Filter:<Value>
New value
Behavior Type:<Value>
Behavior Filter:<Value>
2153A Behavior filter list was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information: Behavior Type:<Value>
Behavior filter:<Value>
2161A new entry has been added in Dla configuration by the EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Configuration name: <Value>
Field seperator: <Value>
Logfile extension: <Value>
Logfile folder: <Value>
Log type: <Value>
2162An entry has been modified in Dla configuration by the EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Configuration name
Old value: <Value>
New value: <Value>
2163Dla entry(s) has been deleted in Manager configuration by EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Configuration name: <Value>
Field seperator: <Value>
Logfile extension: <Value>
Logfile folder: <Value>
Log type: <Value>
2164Port information was added in Netflow Receiver by EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Port number: <Value>
Drop rate: <Value>
Decode packet: <Value>
Record binary: <Value>
2165Port information was modified in Netflow Receiver by EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Old Value
Port number: <Value>
Drop rate: <Value>
Decode packet: <Value>
Record binary: <Value>
New Value
Port number: <Value>
Drop rate: <Value>
Decode packet: <Value>
Record binary: <Value>
2166Port was deleted from Netflow Receiver in EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Deleted Port details
Port number: <Value>
Drop Rate: <Value>
Decode Packet: <Value>
Record Binary: <Value>
2167Syslog port has been added in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
A new syslog port is added
Receiver port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
2168Syslog port has been modified in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Old value
Receiver port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
New value
Receiver port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
Archive purge frequency: <Value>
2169Syslog port has been deleted in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Deleted syslog port details
Receiver port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
Archive purge frequency: <Value>
2170VCP port has been added in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
A new VCP port is added
Port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
Archive purge frequency: <Value>
2171VCP port has been added in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
A new VCP port is added
Port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
Archive purge frequency: <Value>
2172VCP port has been deleted in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Deleted VCP port details
Port number: <Value>
Description: <Value>
Cache path: <Value>
Override archive purge frequency: <Value>
Archive purge frequency: <Value>
2173Manager configuration information has been modified in EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Netflow receiver
Old value: <Value>
New value: <Value>
2174Email configuration has been modified in EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
SMTP Server
Old value: <Value>
New value: <Value>
2181Report settings have been modified in EventTracker application.   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information:
Report header
Old value: <Value>
New value: <Value>
2191A system group was added in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Description: <Value>
Group with Systems based on
<System Type:/IP Subnet:/Selected Systems:> <values here>
2192A system group was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2193A system group was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value> Old value Description: <Value>
Systems: <Value> New value
Description: <Value>
Systems: <Value>
2194A system was assigned an asset value in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value> Old value Asset value: <Value> New value Asset value: <Value>
2196A system was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2197A system’s agent components were removed in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2198Systems were moved in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information: Systems: <Systems>
Old value:
Group: Default
New value:
Group: <Group Name>
2221A generated Config Assessment policy was deleted in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Name: MS-SCM win 8 Domain
2231A scheduled Change Audit policy was added in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Title: <Title>
Policy Name: <Policy Name>
Systems: <Systems>
Start from: 7/22/2015 2:51:22 AM
Frequency: Daily
2232A scheduled Change Audit policy was modified in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Old value
Title: <Title>
Policy Name: <Policy Name>
Systems: <Systems>
Start from: 7/22/2015 2:51:22 AM
Frequency: Daily
New value
Title: <Title>
Policy Name: <Policy Name>
Systems: <Systems>
Start from: 7/22/2015 2:51:22 AM
Frequency: Daily
2233A scheduled Change Audit policy was deleted in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Name: SampleCriticPol
2209An incident was acknowledged in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information
Incident Name: <Value>
Event ID:<Value>
Event Time:<Value>
Event Source:<Value>
Log Type:<Value>
Event Type: <Value>
Risk Value:<Value>
Risk Description:<Value>
2210An incident was un-acknowledged in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information
Incident Name: <Value>
Event ID:<Value>
Event Time:<Value>
Event Source:<Value>
Log Type:<Value>
Event Type: <Value>
Risk Value:<Value>
Risk Description:<Value>
2211An Alert was added in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value>Configuration Information
Name : <Value>
Thread level: <Value>
Threshold level: <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive>Event Details:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.>Event Filters:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.>Custom Details:
<custom information here>Groups/Systems:
<Groups/systems selected here>   Actions: E-mail
<details here> RSS:
<details here> Beep:
<details here> Net Message:
<details here> SNMP:
<details here> Syslog:
<details here> Agent Remedial Action:
<details here> Console Remedial Action:
<details here>
2212An alert was deleted in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
2213An alert was <Activated/Inactivated> in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value>
Status: Active/Inactive
2214An action was modified for an alert in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Name : <Value> Old Value Actions:
<E-mail:/RSS:/Beep:Net Message:/SNMP:/Syslog:/Agent Remedial Action:/Console Remedial Action:>
<details here> New value <E-mail:/RSS:/Beep:Net Message:/SNMP:/Syslog:/Agent Remedial Action:/Console Remedial Action:>
<details here>
2215An alert was <Activated/Inactivated> in the EventTracker application   An Alert was modified in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information Old Value Name : <Value>
Thread level: <Value>
Threshold level: <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive> Event Details:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.> Event Filters:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.> Custom Details:
<custom information here> Groups/Systems:
<Groups/systems selected here> Actions: E-mail
<details here> RSS:
<details here> Beep:
<details here> Net Message:
<details here> SNMP:
<details here> Syslog:
<details here> Agent Remedial Action:
<details here> Console Remedial Action:
<details here> New value Name : <Value>
Thread level: <Value>
Threshold level: <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive> Event Details:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.> Event Filters:
Rule <Number>
<event information here. Repeat for as many entered.> Custom Details:
<custom information here> Groups/Systems:
<Groups/systems selected here> Actions: E-mail
<details here> RSS:
<details here> Beep:
<details here> Net Message:
<details here> SNMP:
<details here> Syslog:
<details here> Agent Remedial Action:
<details here> Console Remedial Action:
<details here></td>
2222A deviation was added for a benchmark rule in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Title: <Title>
Benchmark Name: <Benchmark Name>
Deviation Rationale: deviation added
Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM) Planned: False
Deviation for this valuation only: True
2224A deviation declared for a benchmark rule was deleted in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Title: <Title>
Benchmark Name: <Benchmark Name>
2225A deviation was modified for a benchmark rule in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Title: <Title>
Benchmark Name: <Benchmark Name>
Old value
Deviation Rationale: deviation added
Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM) Planned: False
Deviation for this valuation only: True
New value
Deviation Rationale: deviation added.
Edited to add new info
Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM) Planned: False
Deviation for this valuation only: True
2226A deviation declared for a benchmark rule was deleted in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Title: <Title>
Benchmark Name: <Benchmark Name>
2245An Event Filter was added in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Name : <Value>
Description: <Value>
Status: <Status>
Filter Details:
Rule <1>

Filter Exceptions:
Rule <1>


2246An Event Filter was modified in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Old value
Name : <Value>
Description: <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive>
Filter Details:
Rule <1>

Filter Exceptions:
Rule <1>


New value
Name : <Value>
Description: <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive>
Filter Details:
Rule <1>

Filter Exceptions:
Rule <1>


2247An Event Filter was deleted in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Name : <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive>
2248An Event Filter was in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Name : <Value>
Status: <Active/Inactive>
2257Resource status changed.
Resource Type: System
Resource: <Resource Name>
Status: Down
2290Patterns was added in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Number of patterns: <Client Address>
Class name: <IP Address>
Group name: <Group name>
File type:<File type>
File name: <File name>
Separator: \n
Terminator: \n
Data index: 0
Description index: 0
Skip Header Rows: 0
Added by: <Account Name>
2291Entity was updated in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v 90
Configuration Information:
Entity pattern : <processnames.exe>
Class name : <Processes>
Updated by : <Account Name>
2292Entitiy was deleted from EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v 90
Configuration Information:
Entities : 1 Updated by : <Account Name>
2293Class was added in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Class name: <HashValues>
Selected rules: <Unique process hash,>
Validation type: String
2294Class was updated in the EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Old values:
Class name: <HashValues>
Selected rules: <Unique process hash,>
Validation type: String
New values:
Class name: <HashValues>
Selected rules: <Unique process hash,>
Validation type: String
2295Class was deleted from EventTracker application
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Class name: <HashValues>
3000Logbook configuration modified
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Column name: <Column name>
Display name: <Display name>
3001Logbook entry added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Reason: verify
Criticality: 1
Added By:<Account Name>
Added On: 7/23/2015 5:22:44 AM
3002Logbook entry edited.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Reason: verify
Criticality: 3
Added By: <Account Name>
Added On: 7/23/2015 5:25:19 AM
3003Logbook activity added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Activity Added By
Activity Added On: 7/23/2015 5:27:54 AM
3004Logbook activity added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Activity Added By
Activity Added On: 7/23/2015 5:27:54 AM
3005Logbook attachment added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Filename: <Filename>
3006Logbook attachment deleted.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
3007Logbook reference added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
3008Logbook reference deleted.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
3009Logbook referenced attachment deleted.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
3010Logbook investigation Completed.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Reason: verify
3011Logbook reopened.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Chrome v 430
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Reason: verify
3012Logbook email sent.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Configuration Information:
Logbook Number: <Logbook Number>
Logbook Title: <Logbook Title>
Email Address: <Email Address>
3021Knowledge object added.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 110
Configuration Information:
Object name: <Object name>
Applies to: eventtracker 7.6
Description: <Description>
Enabled: True
3022Knowledge object modified.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 110
Configuration Information:
Object name: <Object name>
Applies to: eventtracker 7.6
Description: <Description>
Enabled: True
3023Knowledge object deleted.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 110
Configuration Information:
Object name: <Object name>
3030EventTracker Agent Configuration template is modified.
Template Name: <Template Name>
Agent Version: <Agent Version>
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: Firefox v 24.0
Configuration Information:
File Transfer:
File transfer frequency: 11
Purge days: 3
Max retries: 5
Retry interval: 15
Generate event for each attempt: False
3060An Unknown process filter was added in EventTracker application.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information:
Rule Name: <Rule Name>
Rule Description: <Rule Description>
Group Name:<Group Name>
Publisher: <Publisher>
Publisher Operator: Contains
Signed: Yes
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Name Operator: Equals
Product Version: <Product Version>
Product Version Operator: Contains
File Name: <File Name>
File Name Operator: Regular Expression
Image File Path: <Image File Path>
Image File Path Operator: Equals
Parent Process Name: <Parent Process Name>
Parent Process Name Operator: Equals
Parent Image File Path:<Parent Image File Path>
Parent Image File Path Operator: Regular Expression
File Version: <File Version>
File Version Operator: Contains
Type: Safe
Active: True
3061An Unknown process filter was modified in Event Tracker application.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information:
Old value
Rule Name: <Rule Name>
Rule Description: <Rule Description>
Group Name: <Group Name>
Publisher: <Publisher>
Publisher Operator: Equals
Signed: Yes
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Name Operator: Equals
Product Version: <Product Version>
Product Version Operator: Contains
File Name: <File Name>
File Name Operator: Regular Expression
Image File Path: <Image File Path>
Image File Path Operator: Equals
Parent Process Name: <Parent Process Name>
Parent Process Name Operator: Equals
Parent Image File Path:<Parent Image File Path>
Parent Image File Path Operator: Regular Expression
File Version: <File Version>
File Version Operator: Contains
Type: Safe
Active: True
New value
Rule Name: <Rule Name>
Rule Description: <Rule Description>
Group Name: <Group Name>
Publisher: <Publisher>
Publisher Operator: Equals
Signed: Yes
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Name Operator: Equals
Product Version: <Product Version>
Product Version Operator: Contains
File Name: <File Name>
File Name Operator: Regular Expression
Image File Path: <Image File Path>
Image File Path Operator: Equals
Parent Process Name: <Parent Process Name>
Parent Process Name Operator: Equals
Parent Image File Path:<Parent Image File Path>
Parent Image File Path Operator: Regular Expression
File Version: <File Version>
File Version Operator: Contains
Type: Safe
Active: False
3062An Unknown process filter(s) was deleted in Event Tracker application.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information:
Rule Name(s): Unknown process filter test rule for testing, Test rule1, Test rule2
3063An Unknown process filter was activated in the Event Tracker application.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information:
Rule Name: <Rule Name>
3064An Unknown process filter was deactivated in the Event Tracker application.
User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value>
Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Address (IPv6): <Client Address (IPv6)>
Client Browser Version: InternetExplorer v 11.0
Configuration Information:
Rule Name: <Rule Name>
3075User e-mail id not valid for resetting password
Invalid e-mail id : <E-mail Address>
3201Detected free space in drive <drive:> is less than N percent. Disk Size: X MB, Free: Y MB
3202Detected Service <Service Name> is not running.
3203Detected Service <Service Name> was restarted successfully.
3204Detected Service <Service Name> could not be restarted.
3206Detected High Memory Usage. More than N percent in use for last X seconds. Peak Memory: Q percent. Total Physical: Y MB, Total Paging: Z MB, Avail Physical: B MB, Avail Paging: C MB.
3207Detected High CPU Usage. More than N percent in use for last X seconds.
3208Detected software <Some S/W> has been installed on this system.
3209Detected software <Some S/W> has been uninstalled from this system.
3210<Some Log> Event Log is near to its maximum log size. Take administrative actions. Maximum Log Size : X Kilobytes, Current Log Size : Y Kilobytes.
3211<Some Log> Event Log has already reached its maximum log size. New events cannot be logged. Take administrative actions. Maximum Log Size : X Kilobytes.
3212<Some Log> Event Log has reached its maximum size. EventTracker has backed up to <Backup File> and reset the event log.
3213Detected disk usage for drive X: is back to below configured threshold limit. Disk Size: Y MB, Free: Z MB
3214Detected Service <Service Name> is now running.
3215Detected Memory usage is back to below configured threshold limit. Peak Memory: N percent. Total Physical: W MB, Total Paging: X MB, Avail Physical: Y MB, Avail Paging: Z MB.
3216Detected CPU usage is back to below configured threshold limit. Current CPU usage is N percent.
3217Process <Process Name> has crossed the memory usage limit of N megabytes. Actual Use: M Megabytes
3218Process <Process Name> has crossed the CPU usage limit of X%. Actual Use: Y%
3219The memory usage by process <Process Name> is now normal and below the usage limit of X megabytes. Actual Use: Y Megabytes
3220The CPU usage by process <Process Name> is now normal and below the usage limit of X%. Actual Use: Y%
3221App Open: Exe: <Exe Name> Name: <App Name> Description: <App Description> Version: <App Version> Vendor: <App Vendor> PID: <Process ID>
3222App Close: Exe: <Exe Name> Name: <App Name> PID: <Process ID>
3223TCP connection ESTABLISHED
Type: TCP
Status: New
Local Address: <Local Addr>
Local Port: <Local Port>
Remote Address: <Remote Address>
Remote Port: <Remote Port>
Connection State: <State>
Process Name: <Process Name>
3224TCP connection MODIFIED
Type: TCP
Status: Changed
Local Address: <Local Address>
Local Port: <Local Port>
Remote Address: <Remote Address>
Remote Port: <Remote Port>
New Connection States: <State>
Old Connection States: <State>
Process Name: <Process Name>
3225TCP connection DISCONNECTED
Type: TCP
Status: Deleted
Local Address: <Local Address>
Local Port: <Local Port>
Remote Address: <Remote Address>
Remote Port: <Remote Port>
Connection active time: %<N> secs
Last know Connection State: <State>
Process Name: <Process Name>
3226UDP connection ESTABLISHED
Type: UDP
Status: New
Local Address: <Local Address>
Local Port: <Local Port>
Process Name: <Process Name>
3227UDP connection DISCONNECTED
Type: UDP
Status: Deleted
Local Address: <Local Address>
Local Port: <Local Port>
Connection active time: %<N> secs
Process Name: <Process Name>
3228Detected new drive <H:>
Volume Label:
Volume Serial No: 553439901
Volume ID: \\?\Volume{a6f19931-6ce9-11dd-8f6f-0013d38afad4}\
Type: Removable
File System: FAT32
Network Volume: No
Description: Change affects physical device or drive.
3229Drive <H:> removed.
Network Volume: No
Description: Change affects physical device or drive.
3229Events generated by solaris agent.
3230Descr : FILE: <File Name> \r\n TYPE: <File Type> \r\n FIELD: <Search String> \r\n ENTRY: <Record Found> \r\n
3231The agent less client <%s> could not be accessed for the last %d poll attempts. Please take administrative action.
3232Disk space availability
Drive C:, Disk Size: 20000 MB, Free: 10980 MB, Free(in percent): 54
Drive D:, Disk Size: 76316 MB, Free: 58921 MB, Free(in percent): 77
Drive E:, Disk Size: 18161 MB, Free: 5109 MB, Free(in percent): 28
Drive G:, Disk Size: 38475 MB, Free: 3482 MB, Free(in percent): 9
Drive H:, Disk Size: 199996 MB, Free: 7782 MB, Free(in percent): 3
3233action: monitor
i/f_dir: inbound
i/f_name: RTL8023xp7
uuid: <00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000>
product: SmartDefense
__policy_id_tag: product=VPN-1 & FireWall-1[db_tag={A46E46F9-5E4A-4D14-B716-84ED6CB4D88B};mgmt=123-mar_mgmt;date=1180443405;policy_name=Standard]
Attack Info: Non MD5-authenticated RIP Protocol Detected on Connection
attack: RIP Enforcement Violation
SmartDefense profile: Default_Protection
s_port: rip
service: rip
proto: udp
3234Received Remedial action request for <Action Type> action.
3235Agent <Agent System Name> : Successfully initiated <Action Type> action.
3236Agent <Agent System Name> : Failed to initiate <Action Type> Remedial action.
3237Agent <Agent System Name> : Remedial action is disabled at the agent side. Ignoring the request. Remedial Action: Restart Service (1) action.
3238Matched Remedial action on Manager.
3239USB Monitoring started for H:\
Volume Label:
Volume Serial No: 553439901
Volume ID: \\?\Volume{a6f19931-6ce9-11dd-8f6f-0013d38afad4}\
Type: Removable
File System: FAT32
Network Volume: No
Description: Change affects physical device or drive.
Console User:
Active Users:
3240USB Monitoring stopped for H:\
Volume Label:
Volume Serial No: 1918040687
Volume ID: \\?\Volume{bf4b109d-44f2-11dd-b2fb-00148549755f}\
Type: Removable
File System: FAT32
Network Volume: No
Description: Change affects physical device or drive.
Console User:
Active Users:
No files added or modified or deleted.
3241EventTracker has backed up the log file :Security: because its offset has been lost. The backed up file is stored in the following directory F:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SPIDER\Eventlog_1217928508.evt for further analysis. For EventTracker to continue the main log file will be cleared.
3242Media drive <H:> is disabled by EventTracker. Please contact your system administrator.
Volume Label:
Volume Serial No: 553439901
Volume ID: \\?\Volume{a6f19931-6ce9-11dd-8f6f-0013d38afad4}\
Type: Removable
File System: FAT32
Network Volume: No
Description: Change affects physical device or drive.
3243Error ejecting removable device F:
3244Direct log archiver started processing.
3245Direct log archiver successfully processed the following files:
3246Direct log archiver stopped processing.
Total number of files processed: No files are available for processing. OR Direct log archiver stopped processing.
Total number of files processed: 3
3247Direct log archiver failed to process the following files:
3248Detected following windows updates are installed on this system:
1) KB902848 Title: Outlook Live 2003 Service Pack 2 Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
2) KB887619 Title: OneNote 2003 Service Pack 2 Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
3) KB887620 Title: Project 2003 Service Pack 2 Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
4) KB829019 Title: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: x86 (KB829019) Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2006
5) KB887618 Title: Office 2003 Service Pack 2 for Proofing Tools Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2006
3249EventTracker Agent Configuration Modified
Version: 6.3 – Build 41
Agent System Name: <System Name>
Managers: No change
Event Filters:
Enable High Performance mode: enabled.
System Monitor: No change
Monitor Apps: No change
Services: No change
Log Backup: No change
Processes: No change
Network Connection Monitor: No change
Logfile Monitor: No change
3250Critical Network alarm – Several systems are not reachable \N\NNumber of ping failure in your enterprise have crossed defined limit.\N\NPlease generate a report on event id 2008 to verify that which system are not reachable.
3251Critical alert- Intrusion detected.\N\N\NAn unauthorized and repeated logon request from $IntrEvt1.Description&Client Address: &13.\N\NIt may be due to sophisticated hacking attempt. Please investigate and if required block the IP address on the firewall
3252Critical security alarm – Intrusion is detected – Excessive logon failures \N\N number of log failures in your enterprise have crossed the limit. \NPlease generate a report on event id 676 to verify that which system and user is trying responsible for intrusion.
3253Intrusion is detected – Excessive logon failures due to bad password \N\N Number of log failures in your enterprise have crossed the limit. \N\NPlease generate a report on event id 675 to verify that which system and user is trying responsible for intrusion.
3254DLA File not found for processing in last 24 hour
3256Intrusion Detection: Excessive network logon in your enterprise: \N\NFor more information about this condition\NGenerate a report on event ID 540 using EventTracker – Log Search
3257Intrusion Detection: Excessive network user lockout in your enterprise: \N\NFor more information about this condition\NGenerate a report on event ID 644 using EventTracker – Log Search
3258Intrusion Detection: Excessive user lockout in your enterprise: \N\NFor more information about this condition\NGenerate a report on event ID 539 using EventTracker – Log Search
3259Intrusion Detection: Excessive network logon on computer $ExcessiveC540.ComputerName \N\NFor more information about this condition.\NGenerate a report on event ID 540 using EventTracker – Log Search
3260Intrusion Detection: Excessive Authentication in your enterprise. \N\NFor more information about this condition.\NGenerate a report on event ID 672 using EventTracker – Log Search
3261Intrusion Detection: Excessive network logon on computer $ExcessiveC672.ComputerName \N\NFor more information about this condition.\NGenerate a report on event ID=672 using EventTracker – Log Search
3262Critical security alarm – excessive amount of resource access failures on $ExcessiveC560.ComputerName. \NIt is highly possible that user is persistently trying to access files and operation is not allowed. \N \NGenerate a report for event id 560 by selecting the involved computer names. Examine the origin of the traffic including the user.
3263Intrusion detected\N\NUnauthorized excessive file access failure on $ExcessiveF560.&Object Name:&&New Handle ID:&. \NIt is highly possible that user is persistently trying to access file and operation is not allowed. \N\NGenerate a report for event id 560 by selecting the involved computer names. Examine the origin of the traffic including the user.
3264Intrusion detected:\N\NUnauthorized user $ExcessiveU560.User is persistently attempting to access resources which not permitted. \NIt is highly possible that user is persistently trying to access file and operation is not allowed. \N \NGenerate a report for event id 560 by selecting the involved computer names. Examine the origin of the traffic including the user.
3265High Security Alert:\N\NToo many files are being deleted from $ExcessiveD560.ComputerName \NIt may be a normal deletes. \N\NGenerate a report for event id 560 by selecting the involved computer names. Examine the origin of the traffic including the user.
3266Critical Security alarm: Excessive logon on computer $ExcessiveC528.ComputerName \N\NFor more information about this condition.\NGenerate a report on event ID=528 using EventTracker – Log Search
3267Critical Security alarm: Excessive logon on computer $ExcessiveC529.ComputerName \N\NFor more information about this condition\NGenerate a report on event ID=529 using EventTracker – Log Search
3268Critical Security alarm: Excessive logon on domain $Excessive529.Domain \N\NFor more information about this condition.\NGenerate a report on event ID=529 using EventTracker – Log Search
3271This event indicates that the user has initially logged onto the network. $InitEvt3.Description
3272EventTracker Diagnostics found.Status: Normal
3272EventTracker Diagnostics found few issues.
Services Stopped:
Service: <Service Name>
Service: <Service Name>
3273Used for vmware logs by EventTracker Agent.   Also for Succesful creation of manual collection point
3274Used for vmware logs by EventTracker Agent. Event Source will be VMWARE   Also for Successful creation of manual collection point. Event Source will be EventTracker
3275Collection Point: <CP Name> deleted successfully
Drop Data: <True/False>
3276A system’s type was modified in the EventTracker application   User Information:
Account Name: <Value>
Account Domain: <Value> Network Information:
Client Address: <Value>
Client Browser Version: <Value> Configuration Information
Name : <Value>
Old value
Type: <Value>
New value
Type: <Value>
3277Agent Installation Status : <Install / Upgrade>
Agent version on system Agent Systemname : < Agent version >
OS Type : <OS Type >
File Versions :
etagent.exe <Version / Tme stamp >
etagent.dll <Version / Tme stamp >
etaconfig.exe <Version / Tme stamp >
etaconfig.ini <Tme stamp>
3278EventTracker Agent Configuration Modified
Version:<EvenTracker Build Number>
Agent <System Name>Managers: No change
Event Filters: No change
System Monitor: No change
Monitor Apps: No change
Services: No change
Log Backup: No change
Processes: No change
Network Connection Monitor: No change
Logfile Monitor: No changeSystem(s) requested for configuration changes:
<system names>
3279Agent DLA file send attempt
Manager: <system names>
File: <EC file name>
Status: Success/Failed
Reason: Descriptive message for failure with error codes etc (applicable only for failures)
3280An account was successfully logged on to EventLogCentralNew Logon:   Account Name: <User Name>
Account Domain: <Domain name> Network Information: Client Network Address: <Network Address>
Client Browser Version: Gecko v1.0.
3281An account failed to log on to EventLogCentralAccount For Which Logon Failed:   Account Name: <User Name>
Account Domain: <Domain name> Failure Information: Failure Reason: Invalid username or password Network Information: Client Network Address: <Network Address>
Client Browser Version: Gecko v1.0.
3282An account was logged off from EventLogCentral.Subject:   Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name> Network Information: Client Network Address: <Network Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v7.
3283A scheduled analysis was added from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Analysis title: Logs – Detail
Analysis type: Logs – Detail
Categories: ***ALERTS***
Schedule Freq: Daily
Schedule Time: 12:00:00 AM
Systems: <System1:System2: . .>
System Groups: <Group1:Group2: . .>
Sites: <Site Name>
Sort by: Log Time
Export type: PDF File (*.pdf)
Analysis Header:
Analysis Footer:
3284A scheduled analysis was modified from EventLogCentralUser Information:
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>Network Information:Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v7.0Configuration Information:Analysis Name: alerts analysis
Old Value:
Analysis type:Logs
Schedule frequency:Daily
Schedule start time:12:00:00 AM
Schedule, first run:1/29/2009 12:00:00 AM
Site:ETSERVER, Groups:DLA, Systems:attacktestRefine User:
Refine Desc:
Filter User:
Filter Desc:
Sort by:Computer
Export type:PDF file
RSS feed:None
Report Header:EventLogCentral
Report Footer:New Value:
Analysis type:Logs
Schedule frequency:Daily
Schedule start time:12:00:00 AM
Schedule, first run:1/29/2009 12:00:00 AM
Site:ETSERVER, Groups:DLA, Systems:attacktest   Refine User:
Refine Desc:
Filter User:
Filter Desc:
Sort by:Computer
Export type:PDF file
RSS feed:None
Report Header:EventLogCentral
Report Footer:
3285A scheduled report was deleted from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Report title: Daily USER Logon
Schedule Freq: Daily
Schedule Time: 2/11/2009 11:59:59 PM
3286A custom column was added from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Column Name: EmpLogoffTime
Column Key: LogOffTime
Key Value Splitter: :
Key Value Terminator: ;
Custom Resolution:
3287A custom column was modified from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Old Values:
Column Name: EmpName
Column Key: UserName
Key Value Splitter: :
Key Value Terminator: ;
Custom Resolution:
New Values:
Column Name:
Column Key:
Key Value Splitter: :
Key Value Terminator: ;
Custom Resolution:
3288A custom column was deleted from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Column Name: U Name
Column Key: UNa
3289A report Configuration was modified from EventTracker
User Information
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Configuration Information:
Option screen: E-mail Configuration
Old Values:
Authentication: False
New Values:
Authentication: True
3290A role was added from EventLogCentralUser Information:
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v7.0Configuration Information:
Role Name: Testrol
3291A role was modified from EventLogCentralUser Information:
Account Name: <Account name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>Network Information:
Client Address: <Client Address>
Client Browser Version: IE v7.0Configuration Information:
Role Name: Testrole
Old Value:Home Alerts,New Value:Home,Alerts,Advanced,Advanced Compliance,Advanced Security,Advanced Operations,On Demand,Advanced Scheduled Report,Defined Report,Exception,Dashboard,Configuration
3292A role was deleted from EventLogCentralUser Information:
Account Name: <User Name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>Network Information:
Client Address: <Client address>
Client Browser Version: IE v7.0
Configuration Information:Role Name: ETREPORT Admin
3293(Asked by UserA for UserB)
3294Token template Added
3295Token template Modified
3296Token template deleted
3297Token template Activated/In Activated.
3298“Access denied. You do not have permission to view this page.
URL: http://somedomain/page”
3500EventTracker Agent has successfully received and processed the file <File Name>
Contents that are read.
InputDir =
OutputDir =
Schema Path = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\xml
OVALDefXslValid = 0
OVALDefXslFile = oval-definitions-schematron.xsl
XCCDFXsdValid = 1
XCCDFXsdFile = xccdf-1.1.4.xsd
OVALResultApplyXSL = 1
OVALResultXSLFile = results_to_html.xsl
OVALSysCharFile = OVALSysChar.xml
OVALTransFile = OVALResults.html
XCCDFResultFile = XCCDFResults.xml
XCCDFResultApplyXSL = 0
XCCDFResultXSLFile = xccdf_to_docx.xsl
XCCDFTransFile = XCCDFResults.docx
InputFolderName = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Input1270544121516
OutputFolderName = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Output1270544121516
BenchmarkProfile = DISA-Gold
BenchmarkId = 55
SchedulesId = 4
3501EventTracker Agent has successfully generated the XCCDF result file.List of files that are generated.   OVALTransFilePath = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Output1270543003612\OVALResults.html,
OVALResultPath = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Output1270543003612\OVAL_Result.xml,
OVALSysCharPath = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Output1270543003612\OVALSysChar.xml,
XCCDFResultPath = C:\Program Files\Prism Microsystems\EventTracker\Agent\SCAP\NEMO\Output1270543003612\XCCDFResults.xml.
3502Agent FDCC process attempt
Manager: <System Name >
Status: Success
3503Agent FDCC process attempt
Manager: <System Name >
Status: Failed/Success
Reason: Descriptive message for failure with error codes etc (applicable only for failures)
3505[Info/Error] License Data receive failed
3506[Info/Error] EventTracker Agent Configuration update requested from Manager
3507[Info/Error] EventTracker Agent Script File Execution success/Failure
3508[Warning] System Handle crossed the threshold limit.
3508[Info] System Handle Usage is normal and below the usage limit.
3509[Warning] System Thread crossed the threshold limit.
3509[Info] System Thread Usage is normal and below the usage limit.
3510[Warning] Process Handle crossed the threshold limit.
3510[Info] Process Handle Usage is normal and below the usage limit.
3511[Warning] Process Thread crossed the threshold limit.
3511[Info] Process Thread Usage is normal and below the usage limit.
3512[Info] Network connection opened:
Type: TCP
IP Version: 4
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Hostname: <Local Hostname >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Hostname: <Remote Hostname >
Remote Port: <Port No >
Direction: Inbound User: <Username >
Process ID: <Process ID >
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
Services registered in this process:
3513[Info] Network connection opened:
Type: TCP
IP Version: 4
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Hostname: <Local Hostname >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Hostname: <Remote Hostname >
Remote Port: <Port No >
Direction: Outbound
User: <Username >
rocess ID: <Process ID >
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
3514[Info] Network connection opened:
Type: TCP
IP Version: 4
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Hostname: <Local Hostname >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Hostname: <Remote Hostname >
Remote Port: <Port No >
Direction: Outbound
User: <Username >
rocess ID: <Process ID >
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
3515[Info] UDP operation detected:
Type: UDP
IP Version: 4
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Hostname: <Local Hostname >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Hostname: <Remote Hostname >
Remote Port: <Port No >
Operation: Send
Bytes: 659
User: <Username >
rocess ID: <Process ID >
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
Services registered in this process:
EventTracker Agent(EventTracker Agent)
3516[Info] UDP operation detected:
Type: UDP
IP Version: 4
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Hostname: <Local Hostname >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Hostname: <Remote Hostname >
Remote Port: <Port No >
Operation: Receive
Bytes: 659
User: <Username >
Process ID: <Process ID >
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
Services registered in this process:
EventTracker Receiver(EventTracker Receiver)
3517DLL load
3518DLL unload
3519[Info]A Suspicious process has been terminated by EventTracker.
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
Account Name: <Account name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
New Process ID: <New Process ID >
Creator Process ID: <Creator Process ID >
Creator Process Name: <Creator Process Name >
Creator Image File Name: <Creator Image File Name >
System Name: <System Name >
File Version: <File Version >
File Description: <File Description >
Product Name: <Product Name >
Product Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Process Command Line: <Process Command Line >
File Size: <File Size >
Last Modified Time: 2010-11-20T21:29:39Z
Signed: No
Signer: N/A
Signed On: N/A
Counter Signed: No
Counter Signer: N/A
Counter Signed On: N/A
Session ID: 5
UserSid: S-1-5-21-903365541-1942580562-2730907773-1497
Token Elevation Type: TokenElevationTypeDefault(1)
LogonId: 0x1d2195f
Token Integrity Level: High
Hash (MD5): 60b7c0fead45f2066e5b805a91f4f0fc
3520EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
EventTracker Agent scheduled restart success.
EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
EventTracker Agent Forced restart success.
3520EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
Memory threshold crossed the limit and Memory Usage: 1024 MB, PeakMemoryUsage: 1300 MB of the RAM, restarting the service.
EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
CPU usage threshold crossed the limit of 00:01:04:9870 min, restarting the service.
EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
Handle threshold crossed the limit of <>, restarting the service.
EventTracker Monitoring Daemon:
EventTracker Agent Forced restart failure.
Current State: 02
Exit Code: 06
Check Point: 00
Wait Hint: 1000
3521Used for events generated by NCM when new ports starts listening for connection
3522New process hash detected
3523New remote IP detected
3524[Info]A new process, which is communicating to an external IP address, has been detected by EventTracker.
Hash (MD5): c5c785497a57fc48ab3d11245b90ed09
Process Name: <Process Name >
Image File Name: <Image File Name >
Local Address: <Local IP Address >
Local Port: <Port No>
Remote Address: <Remote IP Address >
Remote Port: <Remote Port >
Direction: Outbound
Account Name: <User name>
Account Domain: <Domain name>
Process ID: <Process ID>
Creator Process ID: <Creator Process ID>
Creator Process Name: <Creator Process Name>
Creator Image File Name: <Creator Image File Name>
System Name: <System Name>
File Version: <File Version>
File Description: <File Description>
Product Name: <Product Name>
Product Version: <Product Version>
Signed: Yes
Signer: Grammarly, Inc.
Signed On: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Counter Signed: No
Counter Signer:
Counter Signed On: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Session ID: 7
Process Command Line: N/A
3525Configuration File Missing:
EventTracker agent will not terminate suspicious process because WHT_HLST.safe file is not available.
3526SQL service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS has crossed the configured threshold value of 2048 MB. Current memory usage is 2058 MB.
EventTracker agent is restarting the SQL instance.
Memory Threshold: 2048 MB
Current value: 2050 MB
3529Event Type: warning
Description: EventTracker Agent had detected anomalous login attempt from IP address, act of prevention created the firewall rule EventTrackerRDPProtectRule_178.1.10.26 in windows firewall.
Event Type: Information
Description: EventTracker Agent added anomalous login rule has crossed the rule expire time. Rule EventTrackerRDPProtectRule_178.1.10.26 will be removed from windows firewall.
3530Event Type: warning
Description: EventTracker Agent had detected anomalous login attempt from IP address, act of prevention adding the IP address to the EventTracker block list
Event Type: Information
Description: EventTracker Agent added anomalous login for IP address has crossed the rule expire time. IP address will be removed from EventTracker block list.
3531Event Type: warning
Description: EventTracker Agent had attempt to connect URL https://registrationapi.eventtracker.com/ip2geo.php
Error message :
Description: EventTracker Agent had attempt to connect URL https://registrationapi.eventtracker.com/ip2geo.php
Success : collected Geo Information
ip:IP Address
4015“A new ticket has been created in PSA tool from the EventTracker application
Tool Name: <Tool Name>
Case id: <Case id>
Ticket id: <Ticket id>
Title: <Title>
Added by: <Added by>”
4016“A ticket in PSA tool has been modified from the EventTracker application
Tool Name: <Tool Name>
Case id: <Case id>
Ticket id: <Ticket id>
Modified by: <Modified by>
Notes: ECC observed multiple attacks (Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and Remote code execution with Directory traversal) on the URL https://www.aarete.com/resources/css/styles.css?, from the bad reputed (Ukraine) which is involved in BOTS activity. and the attack status code is 200(Successful).
Criticality: Medium
Status: New”
4017ConnectWise ticket delete
4018log event when there is a failure to map EventTracker group to ConnectWise Manage company
4019log event when there is a failure to map EventTracker system to ConnectWise Manage configuration
4021“A report has been published to RMM Tool from EventTracker application.
Tool Name: <Tool Name>
Report Name: <Report Name>
Report Status : No Record Found
Group: <Group>”
4022“A report has failed to publish to RMM Tool from EventTracker application. Tool Name: <Tool Name>
Report Name: <Report Name>
Report Status : <Report Status>
Group: <Group>”
8011Unsafe MD5 detected